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Neil Mundi, MD, FRCS(C)

Dr. Rehan Sajjad

Neurologist and neurointensivist

Specialties: Major strokes, intracerebral and subarachnoid hemorrhages and traumatic brain injuries

Dr. Rehan Sajjad is a board-certified neurologist and neurointensivist, and serves as the Stroke Program Director at Northwest Community Healthcare, as well as the Chairman of Neurology and Neuro Critical Care at NorthShore Neurological Institute at Northwest Community Hospital.

Dr. Sajjad completed his medical school training at Nishtar medical college in Multan Pakistan. Initially completing his internal medicine residency at SUNY Buffalo, NY, he started his first job as a primary care physician in the rural town of Parkin, Arkansas. He also practiced as a hospitalist in Memphis, Tennessee. Dr. Sajjad completed his second residency training in Neurology at Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, and joined Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia for his neurocritical care fellowship.

Dr. Sajjad is board certified in internal medicine, neurology and neurocritical care, and has been in clinical practice for more than 25 years.

Recently, Dr. Sajjad worked in Milwaukee as the medical director of neurocritical care service and later was appointed as chair of neurology and medical director of the stroke program for the comprehensive stroke center. He also worked as medical director of neuro critical care service as the assistant professor of neurology at Trauma Center in Milwaukee.

Dr. Sajjad joins the NorthShore Neurological Institute at Northwest Community Hospital to serve the community for patients with major strokes, intracerebral and subarachnoid hemorrhages and traumatic brain injuries.